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Thalus of Athos – Liberation

Thalus of Athos – Liberation

Regular price €19,80 EUR
Regular price Sale price €19,80 EUR
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What is time really? The topic of time and space takes up a lot of space in this book.

How does interstellar travel occur?

We are the heroes of the time, the pioneers who teach people how to become creators again.

Ego means “I” in its original word. In the physical world, it is the healthy ego that ensures life and survival in peace and connection with God.

Did Jesus die on the cross? What is the Holy Grail of Christ? What is the story behind the 144,000 righteous people in the Bible?

Where do the different blood groups on Earth come from?

These and many other exciting topics are answered in this book.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Monika F. Klammer

hinter dem Horizont gehts eindeutig weiter : wenn man die Denkmauer überwunden hat ...

Aurelia Strolz
Thalus von Athos

Vielen vielen Dank für diese wunderbaren Bücher. Anfänglich war ich hin und her gerissen zwischen einer hoch interessanten Roman Vorstellung und der Wirklichkeit. Immer wieder dachte ich mir, das kann sein, muss aber nicht und so habe ich fasziniert weiter gelesen. Zunehmend mehr spürte ich die Wahrheit hinter dem Geschriebenen, zunehmend mehr konnte ich mich mit den Aussagen identifizieren. Ich fand für meine vielen Fragen endlich Antworten. Es gab für mich immer öfters Aha Erlebnisse. Ich bin sehr dankbar für diese Bücher. Dadurch habe ich zu mir gefunden und auf meinen Weg. Herzlichen Dank!!!

Petra-Diana Rosenauer
Ganze Alf-Serie toll

Ich kann für jedes Buch dieser Serie nur die gleiche Bewertung abgeben. Jedes einzelne, welches ja bereits vor einigen Jahren als Notiz aufgezeichnet wurde, war zum Zeitpunkt als ich es gelesen habe so zeitaktuell und erklärend. Und die Inhalte der Gespräche haben mir sehr viel Zuversicht gegeben. Vieles bestätigte sich mit anderen Recherchen und eigenen Erfahrungen. Viele offene Fragen wurden für mich beantwortet. Diese Bücher zählen zu den für mich am wichtigsten an Aufklärung.

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seminars on the topic

At our seminars we offer you a highly individual program with catering from start to finish. The best spring water is always available and we take care of the food, whether it is vegetarian or grilled. We will use the clay oven and by taking care of your physical well-being we are very flexible in terms of the schedule. But we promise: you are in good hands when it comes to the food too .

Now that our spiritual and physical well-being has been taken care of, we still need a place to retreat and sleep…

We can offer you the following options on our property:

We have 2 Finnish cabins, each with a small bathroom (shower, toilet, sink), 2 sleeping cabins (each comfortable for 2-3 people, but without a soundproof door, i.e. curtain) and a living room. We would be happy if as many people as possible could share these bedrooms, but if someone books the whole cabin because they want to be alone, we will of course respect that. We therefore offer 2 to 12 people a roof over their heads here (additional cost per cabin, €50 per day, so together it is quite cheap).

We also have plenty of space for tents and possibly also for mobile homes or buses (please enquire first!). This is certainly the cheapest option, we only charge €5 per person/day for electricity and hot water: a shower and toilets are available in the house.

The local hoteliers are certainly happy to have guests, so if you want more comfort, this is also an option. Please remember: do not book extra meals unless you really want to, you are already physically and mentally taken care of!


The weekend seminars cost per person including meals (mostly organic food) 319.-€ , accommodation is extra.

The seminar week costs €998 per person including meals (mostly organic food). Accommodation is extra, as there are and will be many different models. The price should never be a problem. If you want, discuss paying in installments with us.

Registration or questions at: or +4915141670398


GPSR Information

Name: GartenWeden Verlag

Address: Dorfstrasse 29, Buch


European Manufacturer: Yes