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Familienlandsitz Talmuehle

Magazine "Wedischer Studienkreis" No.20

Magazine "Wedischer Studienkreis" No.20

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Monthly magazine of the Talmühle family estate

20 pages - DIN A4


  • The dimensions 10 to 12
  • eons
  • Archons
  • The Blender
  • The Force
  • The Twelve Archons
  • separation of the Archon forces
  • reduction of humans
  • Guilt or cause?
  • Seraphim and Cherubim
  • cherubim
  • The Eight
  • Creating Opposites with Language
  • The Song of the World

As a student of the study group, you take part in studies that can open up knowledge and the meaning of our existence.

Because: The noblest work of man is the research into the works and goals of his Creator and their implementation in material form. The world is different from what we are led to believe by powers that use us humans as a mass collective for their way of life. The present time means that humanity is informed of this and is freed from it in order to regain its strength and power on its own responsibility.

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The Vedic Study Circle

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The Vedic Study Circle

What is the Study Circle?

guiding letter
path to knowledge
The truth knows no boundaries.
It is eternal and omnipresent.
The teachings of the ancient mystery schools
were encrypted
and thus passed on to posterity as a valuable asset.
We are part of those who decode them again.

As a student of the study group, you take part in studies that can open up knowledge and the meaning of our existence.

Because: The noblest work of man is the exploration of the works and goals of his Creator and their implementation in matter.
The world is different from what we are led to believe by the powers that use us humans as a mass collective for their livelihood. The present time means that humanity is informed of this and is freed from it in order to take responsibility for regaining its strength and power.
Goal of the Vedic Study Circle
Together we will recapture the knowledge of our ancestors.
Every participant who feels called to do so has the opportunity to write their own contributions to new teaching units, with the focus always being on their own experiences, insights and skills. In this way we can greatly expand the range of learning, teaching and studying.
Every student is welcome in their own way and encouraged to do their best to enrich the study group. Today it is no longer just about theories, but about practical implementations that show how we can progress overall and how we will be more confident in our actions!
The knowledge that we acquire in the Vedic Study Circle is archived to be passed on to posterity. In this way, we preserve everything that we have done to provide future generations with a basis for survival and to facilitate their path to Vedic. It will then be up to the next generations to continue these efforts so that Vedic can be lived on this earth again.
What does the study group bring us?
There is no quick or short way to reach the goal of the study. All latent, dormant abilities must be developed gradually, and just as a flower slowly blooms, so too must the inner abilities and skills be gradually brought to fruition. The aim of the study group is to achieve faster thinking and also a faster implementation of knowledge in the material. The study group only requires open learning - people are successful simply through a strong interest in a topic and the feelings they develop in it.
It is in the nature of man to have not only a material, but also a subtle and spiritual side to his being. Bringing all three into harmony is a great goal in the life of every person. We will also talk about the spiritual and subtle sides and their development, as well as the material, organizational side. The study group is an independent enlightenment association that is nevertheless dependent on funding for its organization.
The organization of the study group covers a wide range of tasks. The focus is on the study of secret teachings and the Vedic and accompanying spiritual exercises. But the community among the students is also cultivated.
If the study group grows, opportunities can also be found outside of the Talmühle to participate in discussion groups or other events in order to make it easier to exchange ideas with like-minded people.
The History of Study Circles
Study circles have a long history and they teach a western "path of initiation" in the tradition of the old mystery schools or the philosophical schools of antiquity. This knowledge was mostly passed on orally. Starting with our Germanic, Slavic or Celtic ancestors, it was passed down to Egypt and Greece - expressed in the ancient mystery dramas. This knowledge was always jealously guarded and kept secret in orders and mystery schools. We want to open this false secrecy!
What does school mean?
Let's take a look at what our ancestors said about school. All you need to do is look under skuola in the Old High German dictionary. Our current translations equate the word with what school means today. But we don't just accept anything. So let's take a look at what the first syllable means and we quickly find it: Skuo means shadow or mirror. A skuola supported people when they lifted the shadows, or held up a mirror to the world and drew conclusions from it.
Basically, we cannot expect that everyone who comes to us for the first time will suddenly have the same knowledge as those who have been here for a longer time. Everyone can only follow their own steps, from the small to the large, and we should not allow ourselves to be held back by external difficulties. But we should support and encourage one another.
Interpretation, speculation, or hunches and assumptions?
A text that Alf Jasinski wrote for our study group at that time:
If we look at our textbooks today, we see that they are full of interpretation and speculation. Even the terms interpretation and speculation are not original - our ancestors did not know them. Interpretation is a fundamental method of the humanities and is often contrasted with the scientific principle of causality, whereby human logic is overstretched and philosophies arise. Speculation is a general term in economic contexts for a forward-looking business activity through which the speculator hopes to gain economic benefit. This benefit is often an instrument of power over original knowledge, which could endanger this relationship of benefit and power. Such words were artificially created by power-obsessed people and institutions. We do not need all of that - we want to be knowledgeable, not speculators. If we look at these terms, they together make up our current academic sciences, according to whose criteria our social order functions. This has nothing to do with knowledge.
Our ancestors knew about hunches and surmises. The word hunch itself suggests the knowledge of the ancestors. When we surmise, we perceive something from the subtle field and it could just as well be right. But we should always follow up on what we surmise or surmise.
A conjecture is a famous theorem in mathematics that has led to important discoveries in algebra and analysis; an analysis either confirms or rejects the conjecture, but never reaches a clear result.
According to Plato's theory of ideas, one cannot have knowledge in the true sense of the word about spatiotemporal things that are always in the process of becoming, but only about true, eternal beings, about ideas.
So, beyond space and time, man knows about eternal existence, about the ideas of origin - he possesses knowledge of cosmic truth. People who possess this knowledge have always been both fought against and criticized - they are accused of saying that a person alone can never have this knowledge, but only a small part of it. This assumption is wrong! Why? Because they are made by people who interpret and speculate; people who are already poisoned and filled with doubts that are deliberately instilled in them by the existing social order.
For centuries – one even speaks of millennia – earthly humanity has been led to believe that knowledge of cosmic relationships can only be possessed and taught by a trained priesthood. Individuals are not capable of understanding the origin, development and purpose of their existence, so they must first be taught this – and in such a way that it fits into the system of the ruling classes. But time and again there have been those with knowledge who have seen all this and reduced it to absurdity. People have therefore been deliberately taken away from their original knowledge in order to subordinate them to a power structure that only serves to massively curtail people's fundamental power and energy.
Here is a fictional contemporary example:
A knowledgeable person gives a lecture to many people who listen to his words with great interest. When the question and answer session was held at the end, interpreters and speculators who were stationed there took up the thread and wanted to force the speaker out of his knowledge. He explained to them in short and concise words:
" Knowledge encompasses everything - including assumptions, hunches and, for all I care, interpretations and speculations. Knowledge is above these constructs - why should I concern myself with constructs if they are unfinished parts of the whole? What do you think you have to interpret? But only a small part of knowledge! You want to interpret me and my knowledge? You will fail simply because you cannot find the words to do so - unless they are hurtful and presumptuous words. So let me put it this way: as long as you wallow in the comfort of interpreting, speculating and guessing, you will never get out of the dirt of doubt and into true knowledge. If you continue to doubt that a single person can possess cosmic knowledge, you will not be able to grasp it either - because you do not even understand yourself. What you are doing is supporting socially relevant conventions in the sense of jealous monitoring and compliance with these laws. You obey the laws of strict surveillance, not opening up knowledge to others. In order to find knowledge, you should first learn to throw all your conventions and doubts in the trash."
Here we find a detailed answer to why we know so little today and why we use school knowledge as the correct one. Of course, school knowledge is important for getting started with cosmic knowledge, but it is only a minimal partial knowledge of social relationships, which is not enough to give a human overview of all the relationships.
The Vedic study group offers an inexhaustible spectrum of knowledge transfer, to approach our lives more independently and responsibly, as well as the realization of what being human basically means. Humans are fundamentally peaceful by nature, a family and clan being with creative abilities, with the teaching task of passing on knowledge to their descendants, who in turn expand it. During the studies, the student will learn more and more clearly the criteria according to which humanity has been manipulated for thousands of years and how he can escape these without having to fight against "anything". The student will also discover how he himself will develop into a teacher over time, as he is led and guided by teachers. The prerequisite for this is that the student can draw conclusions from his interpretations, speculations, hunches
and assumptions, to strive for real, true knowledge, because only then does the unforgettable adventure called human knowledge begin.
We know that our world is not ruled by earthlings alone, and that humanity is deliberately kept stuck in “primary school knowledge” so that it serves the rulers and manipulators without ever regaining its primal power and primal purpose.
We know that many politicians, business leaders, universities, scientists, bankers, media and chemical companies are responsible for not allowing humanity to govern itself.
We know that there are more and more people who suspect this or have already discovered for themselves how much our world is infiltrated by energies that know nothing other than to bring humanity completely under collective control.
We know how we can escape all of this and how we must act to break this spell peacefully and successfully. This requires work and learning, but it is an action that is more fruitful and adventurous than anything that has come before!
That is why we speak to people from all walks of life and establish contact with them in order to expand the circle of students and awakening people. The more we become as a whole, the more energetic and penetrating the Vedic (early Christianity - Christ spirituality) will sink into the hearts and actions of people.
It is our wish that interested people from all professions and social classes decide to join our study group. There will be no one higher up in our study group - everyone will communicate and study with each other as equals. Respect for pure humanity and the divine in each of us provides the spiritual field and the atmosphere of cooperation. So anyone who wants to do something essential in our society towards Vedic reform should not think twice.
Author: Alfons Jasinski
And now last but not least:
The most important companion in our study group is humor!
Your study companions of the Vedic Study Circle

Dates of Vedic Study Group

Meeting of the Vedic Study Group in Cursdorf:

We meet once a month at 98744 Cursdorf, Talweg 2.

Saturdays from 2-6 pm . You are welcome here on the following dates:

  • February 22, 2025
  • March 15, 2025
  • April 12, 2025
  • May 10, 2025
  • June 14, 2025
  • July 19, 2025
  • No appointment in August!
  • September 13, 2025
  • October 18, 2025
  • November 8, 2025
  • December 13, 2025

We prefer it if you register in advance: